Day 3
I am not sure I would have gotten out of bed on day 3, if I knew what was in store for me! Today was the day that we were checking out of our flat in Montmartre and picking up our rental car! Now let me just paint a bit of a gruesome picture here…the three of us have 2 backpacks each. I am not talking 2 go to school or take to an amusement park backpacks…I am talking weeks in the wilderness backpacks on our backs ( you know the ones I am taking about…the hippie backpacks!) and over stuffed day packs on our fronts. So as we are checking out of our apartment, the gentlemen helping us asks where we are going to pick up the car, and when we tell him, he looks shocked and then says “Ew, zat iz a long way”… not to mention the fact...
Day 2
Today started a bit earlier and better than yesterday! Our plan for the day was to go to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. As I sat down to look through my Rick Steves’ guide…the words almost shouted at me from the page…and I quote “Frankly, you’d be crazy to show up without a reservation.” I was crushed. I hastily went on the official website and they had nothing. We looked at expensive tours, more of the same! Finally we found at tour that would get us in, it cost us 120 euro, but we would not have to wait in line. We thought about it and weighed our options, and decided to just go for it (and the real reason is that Russ is a tightwad!). Not only would this be a risk, but we also were going to have to take the metro...
Day 1
Well day one is really only like 1/2 a day! Why you ask? Well because we woke up at 3:00 a.m. (thank you time change…jet lag…finally getting some sleep). Because you cannot start your day at 3:00 a.m., we decided to stay up…that worked…until about 6:30 a.m. when we promptly fell back asleep, only to wake up at 10:40. Oh well, by the time we showered and ate a little something…it was noon! Since we started the day a bit late, we decided to stick around Montmartre. I was so excited I got my Rick Steves Paris book and we were set! We walked right from our apartment to the Sacre Coeur ( about 5 min…all up hill…and all stairs)! When we got to the top, Montmartre was straight out of a french painting! It was just what...
Day Zero continued
We are waiting anxiously to board our plane and are awaiting the call for our row number. Then the first call…Upper class (with 2 crew members greeting each passenger as they come through the line). Next, comes World Class, then Gold class, Silver class, Bronze class…and we still wait. I think the announcement was for Economy class, or No class, or We Know You Are Cheap Bastards class, in other words it was our turn. And no, we could not enter through the same line as the other classes…we actually had a separate line with one person taking our passes. As we walk on the plane, I am thinking to myself this is really nice, and then I keep walking…past the bar…past the leather seating…past the seats that actually look like an...
Where Is The Good In Goodbye?
I will be the first to admit that I am horrible with goodbyes. Either I completely ignore the fact that I have to say it or I am a basket case…there is really no middle ground. So I must look for the “good” in each goodbye. Sometimes the “good” is just that you are getting the hell away from the person or situation, etc or sometimes it is because you know that it is necessary for life’s next step. I have said a lot of goodbyes in my life, but none quite like this one! I am saying goodbye to people and places that I love…and why you ask? So I can go travel around the world…to places unknown. I am leaving the safety and security of life as I know it…to jump head first into chaos…and I can’t...
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